copper hydroxychloride

Hydroxy trace elements

Hydroxy trace elements

Indicate for:
cows and cattle
Sheep and Goat
Pet Food


Hydroxy trace mineralsfor adding copper.
This category of trace elements, known as hydroxy trace minerals, is characterised by the presence of covalent bonds that form a single matrix with a crystalline structure characterised by excellent molecule stability and uniform particle distribution. This is what differentiates hydroxy trace minerals from trace elements of organic and inorganic origin.
This product range has several advantages that improve the processing, miscibility and stability of premixes and compound and complementary feeds. As a matter of fact, they are neither hygroscopic nor powdery and the low solubility of the molecules allows these compounds not to have pro-oxidative effects on the most sensitive components of the feed such as, for example, fatty acids and vitamins. Hydroxy products have huge advantages especially from a nutritional point of view. They do not actually interact with the other components of the feed, making the nutrients and trace elements more readily available. The pH neutral low solubility results in greater stability of the trace element in the gut and a slow solubilisation of the molecules along the entire intestinal tract, improving their absorption. Furthermore, there are no negative effects on the microflora and fermentation at the rumen level.
The product we market and sell is distributed by Orffa, a leading Dutch trading company in the animal nutrition and health sector.

Plus of product
  • Slow solubility
  • High copper content min. 54%
  • High bioavailability
  • Non-powdery microgranular structure
  • Rumen by-pass effect
  • No interaction with the other components of the feed

General Specifications


