Globalfeed® AR-T1
GLOBALFEED T1 and GLOBALFEED AR are natural bentonites, appear as fine, non-hygroscopic, extremely free-flowing powders. The high colloidal properties, combined with the fineness of the products, favour the binding of two specific mycotoxins: Aflatoxin B1 and Fumonisin B1. |
The GLOBALFEED T1 product also meets the legislative requirements imposed by the European Community for classification in the Register of Feed Additives as "Substance for the reduction of feed contamination by mycotoxins: aflatoxin B1 - identification number:1m558”. The Globalfeed line we market and sell is produced by Laviosa, an Italian company leader in the research and processing of bentonites. |
Plus of product
- Mycotoxin uptake (aflatoxin B1 and fumosine B1)
- Registered as captive in the Feed Additives Register (1m558)
- High smoothness
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